SARIN Industries is the Authorised Dealer and Distributor of KM+ Bio Fuel Additives, manufactured by BioSurge, Malaysia. KM+ & KM+Flush protect the engine, improve engine performance, reduce maintenance cost, prolong engine life span and reduce harsh emissions as well as black smoke. KM+ was researched and formally launched almost a decade ago and is being sold in Malaysia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Congo, Nepal, Pakistan and the UK. We are passionate about our Fuel Additive quality and are proud to be able to provide a solution that not only assists in energy saving but is also the answer to reducing engine emissions. Hence, reducing pollution.

KM+ (Fuel Enhancer For Fuel System)
KM+Flush (Fuel Enhancer For Engine Oil)
REVO NANO ( Engine treatment & Friction Reducer)
KM+ is supplied to various automobile companies, dealers, individuals, industrial end users across the region. One can be a leader in Sustainability and Green Initiatives, espousing this revolutionary product. KM+ is a wonder product and way to fight Climate Change, without any cost to the exchequer.